Friday, February 25, 2011



1. Is authentic assessment strategies can be helpful to the teachers? In what way?
2. How do you assess students with different race that is group to one class?
3. Do you think in assessment of your students, the parents must be involved also? Why?
4. Young children is very eager to learn, what do you think is the best assessment to them? Why?
5. What are the other factors that you think it will be affected the learning development of the child? How will the teachers help from it?

1. If the teacher will be lack of sufficient knowledge about children development and learning, what do you think is the effect to the students?
2. How are you going to measure the childrens learning?
3. Do we really need to know the child's background information? Why?
4. What are the other learning styles you can use to your students with different types of intelligences?
5. How we will going to ensure the learning experiences of our students?

1. When we are in the field of teaching, what do you think is the importance of the circular questioning?
2. What are the other uses of the circular questioning in our everyday life?
3. What is the importance of Genogram in Tracking Interactional Sequences: Facts versus Assumptions?
4. What do you think is the advantages and disadvantages of using time line?5. As a teacher, do you think you can use it to know the problems of your students?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

common problems that the students in early childhood encounter

          Appendicitis  is most common in children over six year of age. Symptoms usually begin with pain that is centered around the belly button. The pain then moves to the lower right side of the abdomen and becomes worse. Vomiting usually begins a few hours after the pain. This is an important way to tell the difference between a typical stomach virus, which usually causes vomiting and then pain. Other symptoms can include a low grade fever, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain that is worse after your child moves his leg or tries to walk.
Asthma or reactive airway disease (RAD)
Asthma or reactive airway disease (RAD) is a common problem in infants and children. The most common symptoms include coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing. Inflammation and tightness in the breathing tubes of the lungs cause these symptoms.
Bed time problems
Preschool age children may have sleep problems, including trouble getting to sleep, frequent night waking in the middle of the night and having irregular sleep patterns. Remember that there are no definite right or wrong ways to put your child to sleep and that if you and your child are happy with your current routine then you should stick to it. However, it is not good if it is a struggle to put your child to bed, if she gets overly frustrated in the process, strongly resists being put to bed or if she is waking up so much that she or other family members end up not getting adequate sleep.
Bedwetting is defined as being primary, children who have never had dry nights, or secondary, children who are now wetting the bed, but who had previously been dry for 3-6 months.
Constipation is a very common and frustrating problem in children. It is usually defined as the passage of painful hard stools or going four or more days without a bowel movement. It is most commonly caused by a diet that is low in fiber, but can also be caused by drinking too much milk (more than 12-16oz/d), not drinking enough water or waiting too long to go to the bathroom.
It is common for young children's toes to turn inward, and it usually corrects itself without treatment. One cause of intoeing that does require aggressive therapy is a club foot. In this condition, the foot is rigidly turned inward and can't be easily returned to a normal position. Your doctor will be able to easily tell if your child has a club foot, so that serial casting of the feet can begin to return them to a normal position.
It is common for children to have occasional nose bleeds. Some may even have as many as two or three each week and while they may be frightening, they very rarely cause serious problems. Nosebleeds usually occur when your child's nasal passages are dry or irritated from allergies or an upper respiratory tract infection. Rarely, a blood clotting disorder can cause frequent nosebleeds, but your child will usually have other bleeding problems or easy bruising and other family members will have similar problems.
Sibling Rivalry
Your preschool age child may have a hard time sharing your attention with other siblings, especially a new baby. Children at this age are normally self-centered and may not understand why they have to share your attention. They may feel neglected or jealous and may regress in many of their behaviors. 
Sleep problems
Like adults, children have dreams when they are in REM sleep. This occurs 4-5 times each night, and while most dreams aren't remembered, some are frightening enough to wake the child and make them summon their parents. Nightmares usually begin when a child is about three years old, they are most common between the ages of three and eight (when their fantasy life is more active) and they are most likely to occur later in the night. Unlike night terrors, your child will be wide awake and responsive after the nightmare and she may be able to recall the details of the nightmare the next morning.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

common problems that the students in early childhood encounter

Children acquire many skills as they grow. Some skills, such as controlling urine and stool, depend mainly on the level of maturity of the child's nerves and brain. Others, such as behaving appropriately at home and in school, are the result of a complicated interaction between the child's physical and intellectual (cognitive) development, health, temperament, and relationship with parents, teachers, and caregivers.
Behavioral and developmental problems can become so troublesome that they threaten normal relationships between the child and others. Some behavioral problems, such as bed-wetting, can be mild and resolve quickly. Other behavioral problems, such as those that arise in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD—see Learning and Developmental Disorders: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), can require ongoing treatment. Most of the problems described in this chapter arise out of developmentally normal habits that children easily acquire. The goal of treatment is to change undesirable habits by getting children to want to change their behavior. This goal often takes persistent changes in actions by the parents, which in turn result in improved behaviors by the children.
Behavioral Problems due to Parenting Problems
Praise and reward can reinforce good behavior. Many busy parents give their children attention only for negative behavior, which can backfire when that is the only attention the children receive. Because most children prefer attention for inappropriate behavior to no attention at all, parents should create special times each day for pleasant interactions with their children.
A number of relatively minor problems of behavior may be due to parenting problems.
Child-parent interaction problems are difficulties in the relationship between children and their parents, which may begin during the first few months of life. The relationship may be strained because of a difficult pregnancy or delivery; because the mother has depression since the delivery or receives inadequate support from the father, relatives, or friends; or because the parents are disinterested. Contributing to the strain are a baby's unpredictable feeding and sleeping schedules. Most babies do not sleep through the night until 3 to 4 months of age. Poor relationships may slow development of mental and social skills and cause failure to thrive.
A doctor or nurse can discuss the temperament of an individual baby and offer the parents information on the development of babies and helpful tips for coping. The parents may then be able to develop more realistic expectations, accept their feelings of guilt and conflict as normal, and try to rebuild a healthy relationship. If the relationship is not repaired, the baby may continue to have problems later.
Unrealistic expectations contribute to the perception of behavioral problems. For example, parents who expect a 2-year-old child to pick up toys without help may mistakenly feel there is a behavioral problem. Parents may misinterpret other normal, age-related behaviors of a 2-year-old child, such as the refusal to follow an adult's request or rule.
A vicious circle pattern is a cycle of negative (inappropriate) behavior by the child that causes a negative (angry) response from the parent or caregiver, followed by further negative behavior by the child, leading to a further negative response from the parent. Vicious circles usually begin when a child is aggressive and resistant. The parents or caregivers respond by scolding, yelling, and spanking. Vicious circles also may result when parents react to a fearful, clinging, or manipulative child with overprotection and overpermissiveness.
The vicious circle pattern may be broken if parents learn to ignore inappropriate behavior that does not negatively affect others, such as temper tantrums or refusals to eat. Redirecting the child's attention to interesting activities allows for the rewarding of good behavior, which makes the child and parents feel successful. For behavior that cannot be ignored, distraction or a time-out procedure can be tried.
Discipline is more than just punishment—it is providing children clear, structured, age-appropriate expectations that allow them to know what is expected. Discipline problems are inappropriate behaviors that develop when structure is ineffective. It is much easier and more satisfying to both parents and children to reward desirable behavior than to punish inappropriate behavior.
Efforts to control a child's behavior through scolding or physical punishments such as spanking may work briefly if used sparingly. However, these approaches generally tend not to alter the inappropriate behavior sufficiently and may reduce the child's sense of security and self-esteem. Moreover, spanking can get out of hand when the parent is angry. A time-out procedure can be helpful (see Behavioral and Developmental Problems in Young Children: The Time-Out TechniqueSidebar). However, punishments become ineffective when overused. Furthermore, threats that the parents will leave or send the child away can be psychologically damaging.

common problems that the students in early childhood ecncounter

Children acquire many skills as they grow. Some skills, such as controlling urine and stool, depend mainly on the level of maturity of the child's nerves and brain. Others, such as behaving appropriately at home and in school, are the result of a complicated interaction between the child's physical and intellectual (cognitive) development, health, temperament, and relationship with parents, teachers, and caregivers.
Behavioral and developmental problems can become so troublesome that they threaten normal relationships between the child and others. Some behavioral problems, such as bed-wetting, can be mild and resolve quickly. Other behavioral problems, such as those that arise in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD—see Learning and Developmental Disorders: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), can require ongoing treatment. Most of the problems described in this chapter arise out of developmentally normal habits that children easily acquire. The goal of treatment is to change undesirable habits by getting children to want to change their behavior. This goal often takes persistent changes in actions by the parents, which in turn result in improved behaviors by the children.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Elementary School Guidance Program

  Your school counselors' job is to...
...Counsel individuals and small groups to help meet identified needs.
...Teach the guidance curriculum and assist teachers with guidance related curricula.
...Consult with parents regarding any concerns about their children.
...Consult with teachers and administrators regarding students' needs.
...Present workshops for parents, teachers, and community members.
...Interpret test results to students, teachers and parents.
...Coordinate with school and community personnel to bring together resources for students
What are the qualifications of an Elementary School Counselor?
  • A Master's Degree with specialization in guidance and counseling.
  • 2 years classroom teaching experience.
  • State certification in Counseling.
Did you know that a child may see the counselor for:
  • Friendship problems?
  • Help with my feelings?
  • A school phobia?
  • Motivation to Achieve?
  • A fear? or Loss?
  • Family Changes?
  • A physical concern?
  • Learning disabilities?
  • Goal Setting?
  • Conflict Management?
Did you know there are many things to do in the counselor's office?
       Boys and girls can:
  • talk about things that are important to them.
  • uses play and art media to learn about themselves and others.
  • use puppets to help them talk.
  • be in a discussion group.
  • just sit and think.
Did you know there are many ways to see the counselor:
    Boys and girls can:
  • ask to go to the counselor's office.
  • have teachers send them
  • have parents ask that they go.
  • Counselors can invite them to visit.
Did you know that counselors:
  • Talk with students about themselves and others?
  • See children individually and in groups?
  • See classes at a regularly scheduled time for guidance?
  • Conduct activities to improve self-concept?
  • Talk with kids' Moms and Dads?
  • Gain understanding through observation and the use of standardized test?
  • Is a child's friend?
  How does the counselor learn about new ideas?                     
  • Inservice training
  • Workshops
  • Continuing Education
  • Inter-school counselor meetings
  • Current literature

Part 1 Title: "My Modelling Life"

Part 2 Summary of the story
      There was a girl named Sandara. She was a beautiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Uy. Sandara is the only child in their family. Her both parents are doctors and because she is their only child she can get all the things that she need and want. Their ambitions for their daughter is also to become a doctor too like them but Sandara didn't like that profession. When Sandara is now on her right age, she tell to her parents that he wants to be a model but her parents did not agree on him so they have an conflict and Sandara decided to leave her parents and live alone. After a long years Sandara became a professional model in the industry and also an artist. Her parents heard about her and saw her on the television and they were so proud of her. Days passed Sandara and her parents saw each other they already accept Sandara and have an apology on her so they live again as a family and support Sandara in her profession being a Model.

Part 3
Weak points of the story
Parents are the one who is deciding on their children without asking their children if they want the decision they made.
Positive points of the story
Follow your heart and mind to the things that you want in your life because only yourself can know it and that will lead you to a successful person and a happy life.

Part 4
Ambitions in life is very important to everyone also in me. Like Sandara in the story, my mother wants me also to become a nurse someday like my Auntie but I don't want to be a nurse so I tell to my mother that I want to be a teacher. I enrolled the course BEED eventhough my mother don't want that course but because that what that I want she supports me until now so I am very thankful to my family.

Part 5
I realized that we are only the one can decide in your own life. I realized also that we also need support from other persons mostly in our family to hels us in fulfilling our dreams in your life.